Original Link: https://blokfort.com/comic/featured-front-page-post/end-of-month-post-april-2020/
I’ve changed the ruling on the voted content, adding in a bit more work like shadings, backgrounds or variants. Not much more to say there.
Commissions completed in this month have been pretty interesting, as they each had something new or some different quirk to them than usual, which is nice. Things like a fully “painted” piece, or very intricate line-art design.
That’s about it.
[Commissions] One slight thing that will be different in the coming month or so, is that I’m rerererererecatagorizing my art, again. I can never settle on what is a sketch or not, and it’s honestly a little frustrating. Sometimes I think “Yeah, this is a sketch,” then later someone is confused and thinks its ‘clean line art’ instead. So at some point, I’m going to make two new groups: Soft Line Art, and Clean Line Art. It seems to make the most sense to me. Prices will also change around a little bit because of this. I will be completing the commissions I’ve promised in this list (on the far left): https://trello.com/b/1euKlFka/art-schedule-of-blokfort and then get to the recategorization i mentioned earlier.
[Comics] Last thing is I’m putting Eyes on the Prize on hold, again, and instead working on a new, different comic titled “First Love.” Image-by-image storytelling is just something I’m not happy with, and will be rewriting (or redrawing?) all of Eyes on the Prize from near-scratch. I’ve already completed the storyboard, the first text-draft, and have started on getting the soft-line-art in place for First Love. It’s because of how quickly I was able to make an actual traditional comic page-type-medium that made me think that I should probably just start over for Eyes on the Prize. I wasn’t actually looking forward to working on it at all. It felt like it would take far too long to complete, and wouldn’t be worth the time and effort for all the flaws that I saw in it. I will still come back and officially complete it, but after First Love is complete. First Love, by the way, will feature two kobold/dragonkin characters, Neek and Krench, in a sort of medieval-fantasy setting (NSFW!).